
Archive for July 2010

Why is it all men are the same?


Are all men the same or are women just too damn predictable that they keep doing the same things that chase men away?

Well theoretically speaking all men are the same in the sense that they all have put cleanly a reproductive organ that is the same. Just like all humans are made in the same way everyone has a nose, hands etc. But there are different types of humans, men, women, transsexuals you get the idea. So which must also mean there are different types of men.

So why do most women think all men are the same?

It may be a fact that you keep looking for something new in the same sort of men hence why you get disappointed when you don’t get the new spark you are looking for because you keeping going to meet men in the same area. If you keep going to a basketball court chances are you are always going to meet basketball players all the time which will lead you to think all men are basketball players. Women need to stop being so shallow when they are looking at men, maybe if you would stop ignoring that not so good looking guy, maybe he is what you are looking but because he doesn’t look attractive you won’t give him a chance. Perhaps he has the heart you want and in time you could be attracted to him. Stop looking at the same men be open minded, the guy you least expect is probably the one who has all that you want.

All men want is sex. Women want sex as well, they think about it probably as much as men, but they just hide it well. Women know how to play innocent. Why else would they look out for the guy’s body and looks before they make their move, to look good on their arm but there is more to it. Women also like to lead guys on, we like the attention. I know I don’t want to have sex with him just yet, so every time he makes his move I’ll just say I’m on my period. That is not going to keep him hanging around, he is going to get annoyed. If you don’t want it let him know your intentions form the beginning. Having said stop planning your wedding from the beginning. Get to know him, show him what kind of person you are. Stop the whole he should take you out buy you diamonds and the world, because right there you are showing him that you depend on him not only that, don’t forget he has feelings as well. If he is not able to buy the world for you will you stick around ?

Stop playing the victim. When you tell a guy all men are the same, and things that your last boyfriend did to you, it’s going to make him think, am I going to pay for what other guys did to you?  And you make it look like you think less of him already, you have already made up your mind that he is the same as the other guys. It is always possible that a guy had a worse relationship than you were in. Men do have feelings as well, but some do not see the point in dwelling in the past. Keep it interesting stop talking about the past; you need to be enjoying the present and the future with him.

When in a relationship you ought to learn what you want or don’t want, and women we need to stop complaining too much about guys and then just settling for anyone just because we are desperate. We all need to understand that we all need a bit of time alone so that we know who  we are before we become a burden to someone else.

All men are not the same ,some women just keep looking for the same thing.

Sometimes it’s alright to feel that sadness,it is even alright to have those moments where you want to stay in your own little pity box. I have those moments and at times when I am too happy it worries me, I remember recently asking myself why haven’t I got anything to be sad about. Shockingly its no joy to be on cloud high all the time.

It’s alright to be depressed for a while but you have to learn the form of coming out of it. There is feeling sad about something and there is finding the solution to your sadness and moving on.

When I’m mad I’ve learnt to actually appreciate it so that when I do get happy I have something to compare my happiness to. How can you compare two things if you have only experienced one will you know when you are rich if you have never been poor.

Its very normal for a baby to cry you expect that but it is damn annoying when a baby cries for no reason,just like if you spend too much wallowing in your pity,it will be annoying the amount of stuff that you will miss out on because you were waiting for someone to come in and say ok it’s time to move on.remember you are only visiting the self pity room so don’t out stay your welcome by staying in there for too long,learn to get ready and move on to the party of life.

When you are upset it’s all very dangerous to be around people, you will manage to provoke people ,people will provoke you and people will keep you living in your pity for too long.yea you need different emotions at different times but sadness is not an emotion that should last for too long.

So how do you know if you have stayed in your pity for too long? Well for me as long as it doesn’t take up my constructive time, each minute does count but let’s face is there any one out there who actually does spend every minute working??? It should just be enough to figure out what’s making you mad and how can you cure the cause of your madness.

It almost theraputical because you know once you have been upset you have something else to look forward to your joy the party of life.

3 steps to enjoy your sadness:

1.Figure out why you are sad?

2.How can you take away the cause of your sadness?

3.What would make you happy at that point?

4.Start getting ready to leave the pity room,work towards your happiness and enjoy your refreshed joy.

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